Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hitman is a puzzle game, not murder simulator

"There’s something on my mind. This being a Hitman retrospective you might think that thing would be murder, but actually it’s the nature of puzzles. You see, it seems to me that each level of a Hitman game isn’t merely a set of rooms full of enemies to be killed or out-sneaked, but rather a kind of multi-solution puzzle. Hitman is more like “Rubik’s Murder Sim” than it is like part of the linear of dude-shooting action games.

If a puzzle is “a toy, problem, or other contrivance designed to amuse by presenting difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort”, as my dictionary claims, then Hitman’s missions truly are nothing more than puzzles. You don’t need railgun twitch skills to feel supremely confident about your Hitman abilities."
Retro: Hitman Blood Money

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