Thursday, October 11, 2007

Why I don't trust review scores anymore

I think something is flawed with todays rating system...


Snobaste said...

Um... what?!


Dopefish said...

What's the point with reviews if alot of games get perfect scores? Shouldn't that incline that the game is perfect and couldn't be improved or made better? Which one of those games are the best, and what happens if some game comes out that's alot better than those... should they give it 110% in score instead? :)

Snobaste said...

Ah, I was merely shocked by the fact that all those games got that many perfect scores. Even in my review of Bioshock (which is probably one of the best games out there right now IMO) I gave it a 9.5/10 :P

Anonymous said...

I agree with dopefish, but in their defense these games are pretty damn good. If someone gave halo 3 an 8 for example fanboys would go insane. I think that bioshock was pretty good, maybe an 8. Orange box easily a 9, amazing gameplay and a revolutionary price. Gears of war 8.5 maybe. Like I said before if someone gave any of these games less than a 9 they would be swarmed with complaints. I still trust reviews though, if it gets a 10 it's probably a pretty good game and worth buying even if it is not a true 10.