Thursday, December 08, 2005

If we only had more time...

It's been roughly four months since I stopped playing World of Warcraft, and it's been a little more than a month since Nogg-aholic the Movie was released. During that time span, so much have been revealed. I only played WoW once after I've quit and it was two days ago when we had our climbing event, in honour of wallwalking that will be removed in patch 1.9.0.

But if you make it so we can't climb over the wall, we'll just have to remove the wall itself...

MyWarcraftStudio v0.7 (rar)
WoWMapViewer v0.5 (zip)
WoWModelViewer (link)
WoWMapViewer (wiki)

Fly into Exploration the Movie
Shreep's World

Note: Those two movies above is entirely done on a normal server


Anonymous said...

Dopefish you are the best forever!^^

Anonymous said...

If we only had more true.