Friday, July 14, 2006

Game Idea #3: Game Buisness

Game Idea #3: Game Buisness
The game buisness is a weird place to be, and getting into it is a true challenge.

High Concept:
Game Buisness is a comical, retro point & click adventure game. You start out as a aspiring teenager in your parents basement, and dreams of one day being able to create your own game. The choices you make along the way will be crucial if you succeed or not.

Nintendo DS

Why it needs to be made:
Alot of gamers dreams of designing their own games, and most of them don't know which path to follow to make that dream come true. The purpose of the game is to be enjoyable, the same time it's meant to teach young people some of the harsh reality of the buisness. Also, the point & click adventures need to be brought back to the industry.

It's the middle of the night. The computer screen softly illuminates your face as you chew on a slice of pizza. You're running low on Cola, but you don't care, because this is the breakthrough you've been waiting for. You've figured out the holy graal of gaming, the best game ever. You fall asleep on the keyboard.

You wake up the following morning by the beep sound of the keyboard, and tiredly removes the slice of pizza from your cheek. It's time to deliver the news papers around the neighbourhood to earn yourself the money you'll need to travel to Game Developers Conferance and try to convince someone to give you a job.

After you're done with the paperboy mini-game, you'll need to buy yourself a Expo Pass and a plane ticket to San Francisco. From there you'll have a little adventure to find your way to the conferance where you foolishly try to convince Peter Wright to endorse your game.

After being drowned by his fans, and some failed stunts to gain his attention, the event is over and he's since long gone. But you unintentionally caught the attention of a more unknown developer that offers you a job in the quality assurance department. The game continues from there as you work yourself up in the buisness.

Why it will be fun:
If you've ever played a LucasArts adventure game, you'll probably get a twinkle in your look for a moment, as you dwell in the memories of those games, since long gone. It's a relaxed gameplay that's easy to take to heart and very story driven. The cartoonish animations, weird details in the backgrounds, stereotypes and overall comedy of it all, is entertainment in itself.

Then you got the puzzle solving, decision making, the mini-games and the games ultimate goal. Progression and to be able to overcome the obstacles that's laid out before you. Also, the story about a young man in pursuit of his dreams makes it easy for the players to resemble themself in the avatar.

Final thougths:
A bit late this week, but a game brewed together today while reading the Game Developers Career Guide 2006. The idea went somewhere from being abit more uncommon to a classic point & click adventure, and I relize how important this exercise really is.

I've played ALOT of games in my days, more games than most people, to that extent that the genres have been embedded into my blood, and learning to easily think beyond that will be my goal with these game ideas.

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