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Currently employed at Starbreeze Studios.
Guest lecturer, and student in Game Development and Interactive Media at Gotland University.
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"[...] several seperate stores [...]"
I know that my english sucks, but isn't it a pretty big mistake/typing error (seperate) for an official document?
I got no sources for this image, and it might just aswell be a fake to entice fans of the series.
Nonetheless, it's always interesting to watch the consequencesfrom a leaked game, even when The Darkness was leaked ;)
I did not played The Darkness, the trailers and preview movies seemed quite interesting but... this game never hit the pc shelves isn't it? It was pure X-box, or am I wrong ?
And btw, how did you handle the leak? Did you know how it occured? What are the consequences in term of sales of a leaked game?
I'm a bit curious
I don't think I'm authorized to answer that, nor am I able to. I was the one that initially reported it to our CEO that then forwarded it to our publisher that handled an internal investigation, but I never heard how that turned out.
It do hurt sales when released before the actual release date, but it's also important to remember that there would only be a 1000:1 ratio of the pirates that would actually have bought the game.
Thanks for the answer anyway. I myself am a pirate, I play a lot of games, but only pay for a little bunch of them (I guess i've only bought Oblivion, Bioshock and Portal those past few years)
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