Saturday, September 24, 2005


Wtf mate? 5 minutes ago a explosion was heard echoing through Visby, cars stopped at the streets and people went out on their balconies. Gamers here heard it through their maxed headsets and all the way down to their bones. I've never ever heard anything like this before...

Update: This just in, Nim don't know anything more about the situation, but he found a peanut butter and jam sandwhich in his window.


Anonymous said...

nim: which I made on Pågen's Äntligen (that is "The Chap's Atlast")
the blast was totally out of hand, man.

Anonymous said...

you could say it was a "blast" hearing it!

hahaha ha ha ha h a ah

Anonymous said...

Well not that special for me who was born in a military town, the explosion sounded like it cam from far away... think there was something similar last year a late night as well when I played WoW or something here at home.

Probably just some first year student that played a bit to much with his computer ;)

Deon Cadme