Tuesday, September 27, 2005

When sleep isn't a option...

Woke up early today, so I figured, why not spend sometime to work on my next movie? First I had to spend 3 hours (!!!) to answer around 230 private messages I got at warcraftmovies.com and read some of the new comments at the movie page. The things I added in this session was; Shatterspear Troll Village, Ðeusero gryphon mount ride, Karazhan smiley, Karazhan graveyard and a new song to the soundtrack; Asura - Fahrenheit.

Speaking of Fahrenheit, a new game with that name was just recently released and it looks like a reincarnation for the adventure genre. If the people that thougth the Hot Coffee Mod for GTA: San Andreas was bad enough for their children, this game feature the same extreme barbie sex or not even worse. But it's a bit more motivated and not as cheap as its predecessor. Besides that the game got a extra-ordinary story and a few revolutionary gameplay controls, I think it's the first game that you have to open a door with a actual mouse movement coresponding that.

Well, I need to atleast sleep some more so we can work with our board game today. It needs a overhaul on the design because the fan made quake textures could get us in some legit disputes. Also we need to have five final copies produced before friday, and they should be as good as the ones in store shelves. Sigh.

Hot Coffee Mod
Quake Retexturing Project

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