Monday, September 17, 2007

Borderlands features 600,000 unique weapons

Borderlands will feature... 600,000 unique weapons. Count the zeros, my friends, then breathe in... breathe out... and relax, while Randy fills you in on the details.

"If you take every gun ever made in every game and add them all together, Borderlands would have more by over two orders of magnitude," he says, as he begins to spawn countless handguns, machine guns and sniper rifles onto the screen. Each one flies out and skids along the floor, stopping to reveal itself as unique to everything that's come before.

"We want you to always be able to find better stuff, to always be searching for a better weapon." Randy also reveals that the ballistic arsenal littering the floor is merely the tip of Borderlands' weapons iceberg, with plasma guns, rocket launchers and alien technology to be revealed at a later date.

"Every single weapon is procedurally generated," says Simon, picking up the reins from his colleague. "Weapons are cobbled together from different pieces of technology, so you can have a melee weapon that's a cross between a meat cleaver and a chainsaw. We use lots of different components for weapons that can be amalgamated in different ways, and each component brings with it its own set of pros and cons. No two weapons are ever the same."
Preview: Borderlands -

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