Thursday, December 06, 2007

Tlundmark blog statistics

Most traffic to the page seems to have been on 8th of March, with 160 unique visitors and 279 page loads. This was during my coverage of Game Developers Conference, and also the date which I probably made the most posts within a 24 hours time span. A small summery of some of them can be found here "Dreams, Rainbows and Happiness".

Second place seems to be 17th of Novemeber, with 159 unique visitors and 175 page loads. This was during the few days dead time after I posted about "Among Fables and Men" the 14th of the same month.

Third place goes to 26th of March, with 148 unique visitors and 166 page loads. Only post of notice around that time was "STALKER got awsome graphics?!".

The most refered posts (estimated guess) I've made, were "The Identities of the Industry" (which even David Perry posted about on his blog) and "Why WoW is a bad game, reason #8".

Working in the business for over a year gives you a bit different perspective on things, and even though I still dislikes WoW as a game, it would still just have been bad for Blizzard to have made it anything else other than what it is today.

These statistics are based on the counter at the bottom of this page, which I added sometime in early January this year. It origins from StatCounter.

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